Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Starbuck's: An Ahab, not a mate

Starbuck's. According to readers of Moby Dick, Starbuck was Ahab's first mate that relied on reason and his profound respect and reverence for nature that tried to deter Ahab's monomaniacal obsession with dominating, what Ahab perceived as, an embodiment of evil. When I think of Starbuck's the coffee chain, I think, "We have a new Ahab in the house." Starbucks may not be evil in itself, but the perception that Starbucks is trying to take over the planet by caffeinating everyone into a zombie like state does make one take pause. Personally, I don't mind Starbuck's coffee. I must admit that there are some franchises that are better than others, but for the most part I don't mind their beans, the americano and the way that they have made things just so convenient! Admittedly I do have a Saeco Espresso machine at home bought from a Starbucks and I love it. Starbucks does have some tasty baked goods and can I just say how much I like their peppered bacon breakfast sandwich? There are some days when price and calories be damned! I just want to chomp down on one of them breakfast goodies. Each locale has good seating, decent (if not completely commercially customized) music, and a better than average understanding of how to take an order for coffee.

There are days when I pan Starbucks for the conglomerate that is taking over the planet and then there are other times when I recognize their contributions to the coffee society. Their product and brand has now created a new standard for those citizens of the CaffeiNation. One must admit that when it comes to needing the coffee fix with a little munchy on the side, everyone at one time or another has been a Moby Dick lashed to this Ahab's Pequod.

Out of 5 Green Barista Aprons

Scene: 4 - There is a standard that has been created whether people like to admit it or not. The consistent decor, the kitcshy Starbucks paraphernalia and that music is able to draw in even those who don't drink anything caffeinated. It is so welcoming that it makes those who know better to run in and yell, "Get out while you still can! Save yourselves!"

Grub: 3 - I can't remember where they get their baking from, but I do remember someone telling me that they started making steady orders to their place of work and cut out the Starbuckian middle man. Of course, there are those breakfast sandwiches which one must try. If it wasn't for those prices!

Coffee 4 - Like I said, I feel like they made a standard for coffee. People can argue the whole coffee culture all they want. they can talk about Commercial and their long standing coffee houses, Timmy Ho's and how most of Canada drinks their double doubles, and the maybe even the Sev and how their large brewed coffee for cheap is the real standard, but let's face it people. Stop lying to yourselves. Starbucks has been ingrained into people's life styles as a coffee house that is accessible where someone secretly feels special. You know it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Starbucks, any Starbucks. Ugh! I consisently get my coffee in to-go cups even when I've asked for a mug to stay, and I just don't really like the coffee. But, given a free coffee card from students, I'm in!