Liberty's little bakery on the corner of Main and 21st is a sweet little place that has an artsy decor furnished by one of Liberty's children, I think. You can enjoy the bright little corner shop's baked goods unaccosted by people. This, however, includes service. It is owned and operated by Liberty and she hires some of the local kids to fetch the displayed items and make the required brew. The rate of service that takes place makes me think that the correlation between teenage memory and attention to detail to the speed at which the more aged move would make for one perfect candidate as an Olympic kettle watcher or one who may actually be witness to seeing grass grow. (It is rumoured that Liberty has actually walked a marathon and someone else told me that she was a crazy walker who would walk out to Mission.) I think that this place has some of the slowest service. If you are ever in a rush, don't come here. If you have time to read the paper, chat with a friend and want to enjoy a little somet'n-somet'n then make your way over. If you are in the need of a little caffeine fix while on the go, head across the cross walk and go down about 200m north to BATW.

Out of 5 birds nest cookies
scene: 3 - it is a nice little place with a south facing sidewalk on a sunny day. This is not so much a hipster joint so much as it is a nice neighbourhood bakery that serves coffee. Perfect for taking the parental units out for a coffee or some of the more conservative out of town visitors.
grub: 4 - baking, good. sandwiches, good.
coffee: 2 - slow and there is that lack of attention to detail when you require a little something in particular to be down with your coffee.
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