Ah, the Canadiano. Lugz's answer to the Americano. I don't know if they let the coffee run a little bit longer when pulling the espresso, but it does have nice taste. Some of those people in there really know what they are doing. In fact there have been a few occasions when the people behind the counter spontaneously share their knowledge about the different coffees worth drinking. To accompany the Canadiano is the delicious cinnamon bun from Grounds for Coffee. The rest of the baking is pretty standard coffee sides. Lugz has a very down to earth kind of feel to it. It could do with a bit of a make over to the interior, but I think it suits the clientele just fine. It has Internet access (I think you have to pay to use the terminals), and displays local artists' work amidst the countless pamphlets and billboards that crowd the entrance. Lugz is a great place to grab a coffee, do a crossword, or wait for a seat to get into Slickity Jim's on a busy weekend.
Based on the espresso shot scale out of 5
Scene: 3 shots - of course it kind of depends on the definition of scene now doesn't it?
Grub: 3 shots - and that's because the Cinnamon Bun is holding up it's fair share
Coffee: 4 shots - the Canadiano 2 shots three quarter full. Not a bad little Mug. Not bad at all.
Lugz coffee guy, and owner?
You are certainly racking up a bad reputation. Your superficial charm, seemingly sincere demeanor, and articulate words may have fooled women initially, but we're on to your disgusting sexual scheme. You have gotten away with this for far too long, and it is time that you are stopped.
This is a warning to women out there- do not fall for this man's charm. He uses his centrally located business (and lavalife) to pick up women. He has concurrent relationships (although you will think you are the only one, as he will maintain the others are 'friends'). What's more concerning is that he is also in the habit of convincing multiple women, in the same time frame, to have unprotected sex with him. It's only a matter of time before he picks something up...unfortunately it's legal until he does pick up something- go figure....
Well, this site is certainly not the owner of Lugz. I just drink the coffee. As for the owner of the establishment, only one quote comes to mind from a friend of mine when citing her religious views, "If your an asshole, I'm pretty sure you're gonna pay."
from what i understand, a "canadiano" (also called a 'redeye')is like an "americano" except that instead of hot water, the filler liquid is drip coffee. WHY on earth would anyone pollute their espresso w/ drip coffee? if you want more caffiene, go w/ a double or triple shot.
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