One of the favoured brunch spots, Big C, about four years back turned into a new restaurant of a forgettable name which then turned into what is now known as Crave. After visitng Crave a couple of times now, I have had the pleasant surprise of delicious food, almost over the top polite service, and delicious food. The restaurant has a beautiful little patio in the back that has a pleasant little zen-ish garden thing happening there. ( I actually think that they have speakers in the shape of rocks so that the speakers don't interfere with the theme they have going on back there.) I recently visited the place for brunch and found the food to be quite good, and with healthy portions. I wouldn't say that I would rave for Crave but I certainly wouldn't direct people away from it. They had a couple of things that I thought looked good. It had these crazy large pancakes that came in a triple stack that looked very fluffy and came with an in house fruity compote. I don't know how these flap jacks stacked up to Bert's but I may have to revisit the place just to taste these. The second thing that caught my eye was the panatone french toast. The person I went with said that the panatone toast wasn't "quite as 'eggy'" as he would have liked them, which I can appreciate, but they weren't bad. I don't know how they stack up against Seb's banana bread french toast but I can bet they aren't nearly as rich. As far as the decor and ambience goes, I would say that it is a little more Pier 1-ish than the other eclectic- artsy places on Main. It has big black and white prints, contemporary smashed glass designer dividers, a roll up garage door to the outside front patio, and the little zen patio out back. It filled quite quickly, and maintained the old school Big C brunch time line up - so go early.
Out of 5 sweet and juicy turkey sausages
Scene: 3 The scene was good. The service was great. The people who were there seemed like they were the "just west of Ontario Street, but liked to venture to the east side to take in the action". It did seem a little out of place for what one might expect on Main, but if Main is about a mixed bag of style, then throw this one into the mix.
Grub: 4 I had the standard 2 eggs any style, toast, hashed brown potatoes, and these delicious turkey sausages. I had no complaints, but I know that I could get the same thing somewhere else for less - everything but those sausages. However, the specialty breakfasts mentioned above did pique my interest for yet another visit.
Coffee: 3 Well, the friends and a nice place to chill was fulfilled, but the coffee is yet to be desired. It seemed pretty utilitarian, but then again, they served an americano but keep in mind it was served at a restaurant which is not really made to any particular specification.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
Saltspring Island Coffee Company comes to Main land
Once Saltspring Island Coffee Company took over the locale of the old Coffee Cow, I have taken SSICC into consideration of places to go for a brew. Although I have deep respect for ex-Canuck Cliff Ronning #7, previous owner of Coffee Cow, the name Coffee Cow was a terrible name. (Are you calling customers cows? Are you calling the servers cows? Are you saying that the coffee comes directly from a cow and we are practically drinking directly from its teets for the freshest brew making all of us calves? I don't know if I am insulted or grossed out.) SSICC has an excellent locale where they have wisely made almost all the walls into glass on a lovely corner next to a crosswalk with the long side of the shop being a row of south facing set of tables and chairs. The baking seems pretty standard, as is the other food, and the coffee is acceptable when you get what you want. If anything, the way you get your coffee, much like the service, is a little bit hit and miss. There are times when the coffee and service is exactly as you had hoped, making the coffee experience lovely. Then there are the times when you ask for your americano three quarters full in the smaller size cup and you practically get an extra water americano in a large cup.
If only the coffee and the service was a little bit more consistent, I think I would frequent the place a little more. With so many coffee shops on Main where I know I will get what I want, what is making me stop out front aside from the crosswalk? I would say that the real coffee felony about this place is just how it is so average. It's got a good locale. It's bumped up some of the decor. Now let's see about the food, service and personality.
Out of 5 Coffee Cow Teets
Scene: 3 - Only because of its south facing row of table and chairs. It make the place warm and the extra space makes it stroller friendly for those Main Street parents to park out their pimped out prams.
Grub: 3 Average to really average. You'll get what you are looking for but I doubt anyone will write home about it.
Coffee: 3 Average. Like I mention up top, it's hit and miss. Hope you get more hits that misses.

Out of 5 Coffee Cow Teets
Scene: 3 - Only because of its south facing row of table and chairs. It make the place warm and the extra space makes it stroller friendly for those Main Street parents to park out their pimped out prams.
Grub: 3 Average to really average. You'll get what you are looking for but I doubt anyone will write home about it.
Coffee: 3 Average. Like I mention up top, it's hit and miss. Hope you get more hits that misses.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Starbuck's: An Ahab, not a mate
Starbuck's. According to readers of Moby Dick, Starbuck was Ahab's first mate that relied on reason and his profound respect and reverence for nature that tried to deter Ahab's monomaniacal obsession with dominating, what Ahab perceived as, an embodiment of evil. When I think of Starbuck's the coffee chain, I think, "We have a new Ahab in the house." Starbucks may not be evil in itself, but the perception that Starbucks is trying to take over the planet by caffeinating everyone into a zombie like state does make one take pause. Personally, I don't mind Starbuck's coffee. I must admit that there are some franchises that are better than others, but for the most part I don't mind their beans, the americano and the way that they have made things just so convenient! Admittedly I do have a Saeco Espresso machine at home bought from a Starbucks and I love it. Starbucks does have some tasty baked goods and can I just say how much I like their peppered bacon breakfast sandwich? There are some days when price and calories be damned! I just want to chomp down on one of them breakfast goodies. Each locale has good seating, decent (if not completely commercially customized) music, and a better than average understanding of how to take an order for coffee.
There are days when I pan Starbucks for the conglomerate that is taking over the planet and then there are other times when I recognize their contributions to the coffee society. Their product and brand has now created a new standard for those citizens of the CaffeiNation. One must admit that when it comes to needing the coffee fix with a little munchy on the side, everyone at one time or another has been a Moby Dick lashed to this Ahab's Pequod.
Out of 5 Green Barista Aprons
Scene: 4 - There is a standard that has been created whether people like to admit it or not. The consistent decor, the kitcshy Starbucks paraphernalia and that music is able to draw in even those who don't drink anything caffeinated. It is so welcoming that it makes those who know better to run in and yell, "Get out while you still can! Save yourselves!"
Grub: 3 - I can't remember where they get their baking from, but I do remember someone telling me that they started making steady orders to their place of work and cut out the Starbuckian middle man. Of course, there are those breakfast sandwiches which one must try. If it wasn't for those prices!
Coffee 4 - Like I said, I feel like they made a standard for coffee. People can argue the whole coffee culture all they want. they can talk about Commercial and their long standing coffee houses, Timmy Ho's and how most of Canada drinks their double doubles, and the maybe even the Sev and how their large brewed coffee for cheap is the real standard, but let's face it people. Stop lying to yourselves. Starbucks has been ingrained into people's life styles as a coffee house that is accessible where someone secretly feels special. You know it.
There are days when I pan Starbucks for the conglomerate that is taking over the planet and then there are other times when I recognize their contributions to the coffee society. Their product and brand has now created a new standard for those citizens of the CaffeiNation. One must admit that when it comes to needing the coffee fix with a little munchy on the side, everyone at one time or another has been a Moby Dick lashed to this Ahab's Pequod.
Out of 5 Green Barista Aprons
Scene: 4 - There is a standard that has been created whether people like to admit it or not. The consistent decor, the kitcshy Starbucks paraphernalia and that music is able to draw in even those who don't drink anything caffeinated. It is so welcoming that it makes those who know better to run in and yell, "Get out while you still can! Save yourselves!"
Grub: 3 - I can't remember where they get their baking from, but I do remember someone telling me that they started making steady orders to their place of work and cut out the Starbuckian middle man. Of course, there are those breakfast sandwiches which one must try. If it wasn't for those prices!
Coffee 4 - Like I said, I feel like they made a standard for coffee. People can argue the whole coffee culture all they want. they can talk about Commercial and their long standing coffee houses, Timmy Ho's and how most of Canada drinks their double doubles, and the maybe even the Sev and how their large brewed coffee for cheap is the real standard, but let's face it people. Stop lying to yourselves. Starbucks has been ingrained into people's life styles as a coffee house that is accessible where someone secretly feels special. You know it.
baked goods,
coffee houses,
coffee shops,
Main Street,
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Feeling at Liberty
Liberty's little bakery on the corner of Main and 21st is a sweet little place that has an artsy decor furnished by one of Liberty's children, I think. You can enjoy the bright little corner shop's baked goods unaccosted by people. This, however, includes service. It is owned and operated by Liberty and she hires some of the local kids to fetch the displayed items and make the required brew. The rate of service that takes place makes me think that the correlation between teenage memory and attention to detail to the speed at which the more aged move would make for one perfect candidate as an Olympic kettle watcher or one who may actually be witness to seeing grass grow. (It is rumoured that Liberty has actually walked a marathon and someone else told me that she was a crazy walker who would walk out to Mission.) I think that this place has some of the slowest service. If you are ever in a rush, don't come here. If you have time to read the paper, chat with a friend and want to enjoy a little somet'n-somet'n then make your way over. If you are in the need of a little caffeine fix while on the go, head across the cross walk and go down about 200m north to BATW. 
Out of 5 birds nest cookies
scene: 3 - it is a nice little place with a south facing sidewalk on a sunny day. This is not so much a hipster joint so much as it is a nice neighbourhood bakery that serves coffee. Perfect for taking the parental units out for a coffee or some of the more conservative out of town visitors.
grub: 4 - baking, good. sandwiches, good.
coffee: 2 - slow and there is that lack of attention to detail when you require a little something in particular to be down with your coffee.

Out of 5 birds nest cookies
scene: 3 - it is a nice little place with a south facing sidewalk on a sunny day. This is not so much a hipster joint so much as it is a nice neighbourhood bakery that serves coffee. Perfect for taking the parental units out for a coffee or some of the more conservative out of town visitors.
grub: 4 - baking, good. sandwiches, good.
coffee: 2 - slow and there is that lack of attention to detail when you require a little something in particular to be down with your coffee.
baked goods,
coffee shops,
Liberty's Liberty's Bakery,
Main Street,
Sunday, November 18, 2007
It's a work of Artigiano
Artigiano to me is the perfect Americano. Thick rich crema from beautifully roasted beans pressed through your top of the line expresso machine and facilitated by a barista who is one with the caffeinated universe. It is this Americano that, if I was braver, would drink it black. It's not that I won't drink black coffee, but I am afraid of losing the dream of what I have built up my expectations to be. When it gets to the brass tax of coffee this is where alchemy begins. I don't know exactly how they make it the way they do, but I have been tempted to take on a part time job to find out just how they do that thang. Not only are their Americanos a thing of beauty, but if you are not really a coffee drinker, then may I suggest that you start off with a latte? Their latte is not only wonderful to drink but it is beautiful to look at. They are known for taking their frothy thick steamy milk and creating patterned designs on the surface of the drinks, usually in the shape of palmate leaves. Their work is art. As for food, they do provide the equivalent to high end salad, soup and sandwiches along with the usual dessert style baked goods. A bit on the pricey side, but not disappointing. All sorts come through their various locations - perhaps the same reason why different people go through BATW - the dreaded chain. As beautiful as the coffee is at Artigiano, it is not without its criticisms. This place is almost packed and because people are usually eating something, it is not as though they are loitering in this place. Get your coffee to go and head off for a nice walk about if you can. The decor is in the roman pinkish tumbled tile which is great if you like that kind of thing, but after a while it gets to be a bit much to look at for my tastes. The place is also lacking in some serious art work. Granted, the Hornby street location has nice photographs of coffees made in the past , but the Kerrisdale location has these gawdawful paintings that looked like a poor attempt at colour by numbers. The rest of the decor holds a definite Artigiano theme but it can be a bit much if you plan to go to it on a regular basis. Bottom-line: Go in. Close your eyes and order your coffee. Leave locale with coffee. Open your eyes, drink and enjoy. Repeat if necessary.
Out of 5 floating coffee leafed swirls
Scene: 3 Not too much to look at. The people watching is good, but the place itself can be taken in small doses.
Grub: 4 Good food but I feel it is a bit pricey. But then again, it is not what I go for.
Coffee: 5 What can I say that I haven't said already? Do it already.
Out of 5 floating coffee leafed swirls
Scene: 3 Not too much to look at. The people watching is good, but the place itself can be taken in small doses.
Grub: 4 Good food but I feel it is a bit pricey. But then again, it is not what I go for.
Coffee: 5 What can I say that I haven't said already? Do it already.
baked goods,
coffee shops,
Enter Re-Entry

This is my latest teacher's pet coffee shop. I count my lucky stars about being told to go here. Re-entry is a cool little coffee shop higher up Main - around 27th Ave. It has a 'space ship' themed cafe where all of the little details fall into place to create this beautiful little capsule to sit and enjoy your favourite caffeinated or decaffeinated rocket fuel. The cafe's crew is once again cool Main Street hipsters and seems to be piloted by one woman in particular who seems to take the controls of the baking. And while I'm at it, can I just say that the baking is superb? That's right, superb, en francais parce que les croissants, les brioches et les pullaparts sont formidable! Along with the assortment of baked goods - which are baked in house everyday - you can enjoy a smooth brew.

Out of 5 turbo thrusters of coffee fuel
Scene: 5 Great for everyone. The turn over is pretty high but nobody there really makes you feel like you need to move on. While aboard, you can sit and enjoy the lo-fi tunes playing in the atmosphere. There is limited seating in the place although I have never had a problem trying to find a place to sit as the majority of the Main Street crowd probably get caught up in Lower Main.
Grub: 5 Tasty. Tasty. tasty. I don't think you can get anything more than the baked goods which barely make it to the table but what you do get is goodness. (According to their website, they get their pastry dough from Thomas Haas, which is the business when it comes to Pastry.)
Coffee: 4 If it weren't for those wide mouth cups I would consider the 5. But aside from the wide mouth, the coffee is good but doesn't really make me shoot over the moon.
baked goods,
coffee shops,
Main Street,
Rhizome, the diner formerly known as Hatch
For some reason Hatched shut down and then re-hatched into Rhizome. It looks the same, feels the same, and the main menu difference is that Rhizome now serves meat. Perhaps, they served meat before but when I went there when it was hatch it seemed to only have the strictly vegetarian, vegan friendly, organic, wholesome, all natural, grain fed, free range, wild vegetables on the menu. Perhaps that is why they changed. Perhaps their target market was too small because those people probably wouldn't go to a restaurant for fear that the chef was using oil from caged canola plants. Regardless of the change, the food there is mouthwatering. The portions are healthy and the people are friendly. The place has an enclosed front patio which makes for a comfy little solarium. The decor plain and has a bit of the watered down urban industrial feel. The restaurant obviously supports local artists as it has large format paintings on display. They seem to have an assortment of politically correct coffees that are decent in flavour. However, I think that I would be motivated to go here for the food rather than the coffee. It could actually be a nice alternative to the ever popular Slickity Jim's and it's 45 minute line up. Rhizome is along Kingsway a couple of blocks east of Main. A bit off the beaten track from the Main Street Strollers but those make their way will not be disappointed.
Out of 5 free range organically raised eggs
Scene - 3 You get a little bit of the quiet alternative crowd. I think the place is in part a community shared space in that it seems to hold a calendar of events that promote cultural, social and educational events. You'll just have to check it out for yourselves.
Grub - 4 -They do have some delicious menu items. Just make sure that you come with an appetite.
Coffee - 3 Although they have an assortment of coffees, the brew is just your straight up percolated. Don't expect to get any kind of high maintenance non fat decaf traditional cappuccino either.
Out of 5 free range organically raised eggs
Scene - 3 You get a little bit of the quiet alternative crowd. I think the place is in part a community shared space in that it seems to hold a calendar of events that promote cultural, social and educational events. You'll just have to check it out for yourselves.
Grub - 4 -They do have some delicious menu items. Just make sure that you come with an appetite.
Coffee - 3 Although they have an assortment of coffees, the brew is just your straight up percolated. Don't expect to get any kind of high maintenance non fat decaf traditional cappuccino either.
coffee shops,
Main Street,
Saturday, November 17, 2007
JJ Bean Coffee Scene
The location of JJ Bean on Main is a very cool one. Who knew that an old bank branch would turn out to be one of the trendier coffee houses on Main. Aside from the modern decor which includes a 180 degree viewing area at the front of the cafe, a chimney up the middle and a lot of glass, the coffee there is tasty. I find their Americano has a rich crema, with a smooth finishing taste. One of the consistently better coffees I've experienced in Vancouver. People from all walks frequent the coffee house, but the people who work there are once again those cool hipsters that create the Main Street feel. One can walk in there and see some of the local regulars almost everyday. In fact I know someone who practically uses JJB as her office space. Speaking of which, JJ Bean offers a back room in the event that you want to hold a little meeting there, where you basically have a quiet and controlled space while you are served up some coffee and treats.
Out of 5 pounds of coffee beans
Scene: 4 - It's a great place to meet friends, old existing or new. It is a great locale on the corner and during the summer they roll up the garage windows, and during the winter they crank up the fire place. Nice!
Grub: 4 - It's delicious baked goods and panini type sandwiches. Everything you might want to snack on with a coffee. A bit pricey but tasty.
Coffee 5 - Smooth. Tasty. They also serve it the way you want it. One friend who can be described as somewhat of a coffee deb, says that JJ is one of the only places that actually knows how to serve a 'traditional cappuccino'. That's goodness.
Out of 5 pounds of coffee beans
Scene: 4 - It's a great place to meet friends, old existing or new. It is a great locale on the corner and during the summer they roll up the garage windows, and during the winter they crank up the fire place. Nice!
Grub: 4 - It's delicious baked goods and panini type sandwiches. Everything you might want to snack on with a coffee. A bit pricey but tasty.
Coffee 5 - Smooth. Tasty. They also serve it the way you want it. One friend who can be described as somewhat of a coffee deb, says that JJ is one of the only places that actually knows how to serve a 'traditional cappuccino'. That's goodness.
coffee shops,
JJ Bean,
Main Street,
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Bean Around the World? Yea, been there.
Bean Around the World seems like a bit of an institution on the Main Street scene. It is located on one of the seemingly unlikely popular locales. But its huge windows, its simple decor and the corner space with a long South facing sidewalk patio, makes for an ideal place to meet friends for a cup of brew and some baked goods or a panini. It seems that to work there you need to be early twenties and have that cool "Main Street" hipster attitude. The crowd there is as varied as it gets.

Perhaps because there are several BATW locales around the city people feel like they are going to a place where they know what they are going get every time - almost verging on being the dreaded "chain". The actual coffee there is actually mediocre. I find the coffee at times almost too hot - if that's possible - and when they make their Americanos, I find that they water it down too much even when you request the smaller size cup filled three quarters full. The Banana bread (I prefer the B-bread with chocolate chips in it)is great. All of the baking is quite tasty - they have some creative and scrumptious muffin creations you need to try. The cookies are good, the danish kind of rounds are sweet and tart, and if they have the pie available, you might want to treat yourself.
On a rating out of 5 banana bread slices
Scene: 3 - It is sometimes too busy to find a seat so you have to wait around and shark or be sharked for a seat. The line up can run the length of the counter which means that if you are sitting by the line, your conversation is open to all those standing beside you or vice versa. The main bonus is that south facing window and patio on a sunny day. The mix of the people who go there kind of makes it a little unclear about the target market demographic. Of course one could argue that based on how busy it can be, the target market is coffee drinkers. While you are there, enjoy the fact that there seems to be countless plain clothed and uniformed police officers.
Grub: 4 Baked goods are good.
Coffee: 3 Better than utilitarian but still not good enough to say that I drink it to enjoy it.

Perhaps because there are several BATW locales around the city people feel like they are going to a place where they know what they are going get every time - almost verging on being the dreaded "chain". The actual coffee there is actually mediocre. I find the coffee at times almost too hot - if that's possible - and when they make their Americanos, I find that they water it down too much even when you request the smaller size cup filled three quarters full. The Banana bread (I prefer the B-bread with chocolate chips in it)is great. All of the baking is quite tasty - they have some creative and scrumptious muffin creations you need to try. The cookies are good, the danish kind of rounds are sweet and tart, and if they have the pie available, you might want to treat yourself.
On a rating out of 5 banana bread slices
Scene: 3 - It is sometimes too busy to find a seat so you have to wait around and shark or be sharked for a seat. The line up can run the length of the counter which means that if you are sitting by the line, your conversation is open to all those standing beside you or vice versa. The main bonus is that south facing window and patio on a sunny day. The mix of the people who go there kind of makes it a little unclear about the target market demographic. Of course one could argue that based on how busy it can be, the target market is coffee drinkers. While you are there, enjoy the fact that there seems to be countless plain clothed and uniformed police officers.
Grub: 4 Baked goods are good.
Coffee: 3 Better than utilitarian but still not good enough to say that I drink it to enjoy it.
Bean Around the World,
coffee shops,
Main Street,
Hocus Locus
If you are going for brunch and feel that being caffeinated at the end of the brunch is an important thing to you, then go to Locus on Main and King Eddy. The standard coffee there is a strong bottomless Americano. The food there is good with hearty portions. One of the little details I like about his place is the side bread that comes with your meal. It's homemade foccacia or some other special artesan loaf sliced up with a flavoured butter, cream or jam. Just make sure that you leave room for some of their desserts. The owner is a man who always has a smile on his face and seems happiest when the place is hoppin' - however, hoppin' times can also mean slower service, and I am talking s-l-o-w. A couple of caveats that I have for the place is the entrance. The entrance starts outside where you may be inundated with the smoking pit. Of course, if you don't mind this then make yourself at home. The second is the long wait that can take place during the busy brunch time. Lastly the hours for the place aren't always conducive to the early breakfast or even brunch.

Rating of 5 shots of Americanos
Scene: 4 An alternative decor using mangrove like tree roots growing our of the ceiling, dark gothic colours, with the interesting art works (usually for sale) adorning the walls. I would recommend sitting on the front platform of the old storefront window. The back can be a little bit dark, but if that's your scene, knock yourself out.
Grub: 4 Alternative ingredients, creative combinations. Remember to make room for the desserts.
Coffee: 5 bottomless Americanos. 'nough said.

Rating of 5 shots of Americanos
Scene: 4 An alternative decor using mangrove like tree roots growing our of the ceiling, dark gothic colours, with the interesting art works (usually for sale) adorning the walls. I would recommend sitting on the front platform of the old storefront window. The back can be a little bit dark, but if that's your scene, knock yourself out.
Grub: 4 Alternative ingredients, creative combinations. Remember to make room for the desserts.
Coffee: 5 bottomless Americanos. 'nough said.
coffee shops,
Main Street,
Monday, November 12, 2007
Slickity Jim's - Chattin' and Chewin'
One of the favourite brunch places for weekends. It's where you can be called "love" or "dear" while you order yummy goodness. The menu is full of delicious hearty creations that you can enjoy surrounded by the mismatched eye candy collected from the left over bins of garage sales. As an added bonus, you can also revisit your favourite transit seats if you were a BC Transit rider during the 80's as these 2 seater chairs form the booths of the Chat n Chew. It's difficult to paint a complete picture of the restaurant without going into great detail about every single item in place. You just have to experience it. Go with a friend.
Maybe two. Just watch the line ups if you go on the weekend. However, it is worth the wait. The caveat on days like this is that service can be particularly slow so just make sure you don't have to be anywhere soon. Perhaps while you wait you could go a couple of doors down to Lugz and get yourself a Canadiano.
Out of 5 lumps of sugar
Scene: 4 lumps - not a 5 because it can be a bit squishy in there if it is really busy. I mean think of yourself in the 80's being squished in a full bus. Now picture a table with food on it in front of you. Squishy.
Grub: 4 can I suggest the Cheesy Fungi. If not for the mushroom and cheese, then for the waitress to ask, "Who's the Cheesy Fungi?"
Coffee: 2 Utilitarian, but because it always seems like there is such high turn over you know you will have fresh utilitarian.

Out of 5 lumps of sugar
Scene: 4 lumps - not a 5 because it can be a bit squishy in there if it is really busy. I mean think of yourself in the 80's being squished in a full bus. Now picture a table with food on it in front of you. Squishy.
Grub: 4 can I suggest the Cheesy Fungi. If not for the mushroom and cheese, then for the waitress to ask, "Who's the Cheesy Fungi?"
Coffee: 2 Utilitarian, but because it always seems like there is such high turn over you know you will have fresh utilitarian.
coffee shops,
Main Street,
Slickity Jim's,
The Mugs at Lugz

Ah, the Canadiano. Lugz's answer to the Americano. I don't know if they let the coffee run a little bit longer when pulling the espresso, but it does have nice taste. Some of those people in there really know what they are doing. In fact there have been a few occasions when the people behind the counter spontaneously share their knowledge about the different coffees worth drinking. To accompany the Canadiano is the delicious cinnamon bun from Grounds for Coffee. The rest of the baking is pretty standard coffee sides. Lugz has a very down to earth kind of feel to it. It could do with a bit of a make over to the interior, but I think it suits the clientele just fine. It has Internet access (I think you have to pay to use the terminals), and displays local artists' work amidst the countless pamphlets and billboards that crowd the entrance. Lugz is a great place to grab a coffee, do a crossword, or wait for a seat to get into Slickity Jim's on a busy weekend.
Based on the espresso shot scale out of 5
Scene: 3 shots - of course it kind of depends on the definition of scene now doesn't it?
Grub: 3 shots - and that's because the Cinnamon Bun is holding up it's fair share
Coffee: 4 shots - the Canadiano 2 shots three quarter full. Not a bad little Mug. Not bad at all.
coffee shops,
Main Street,
Creamy Pancakes at Berts
Whenever I go to a restaurant and order the pancakes I used to find myself with that displeasurable baking soda burn in the back of my throat. I guess the baking soda is something that helps the pancakes look a little fluffier for the people but in the end it just looks good but tastes horrible. You end up having to use extra butter or syrup to hide that awful taste. My feelings changed when I had them at Berts on Main and 14th. They must throw in an extra egg or two to make their pancakes creamier, hanging dangerously on the fringe of being a crepe. Their breakfast special more than fills the void and does it in a pleasant way. The decor almost reaches that 1980's Bino style of decor using less brown scattered with random artifacts found at garage sales (It does have a rather impressive collection of Bobble heads at the front counter). The staff is friendly and the service is good but I would not go there expecting any ambience. To be truthful The Show hasn't been there for much else other than the breakfasts but the menu looks like an eclectic mix of meals that will pacify any person truckin' through town.
Rating out of 5 packets of sweet n low
Scene: 2
Grub tasted: 5 (how wrong can you be with bacon, hash and eggs over easy with their delish pancakes?)
Coffee: 2 (Utilitarian and there's always lots of it)
Purpose: quick morning show with friends or a place to just chat with little disturbance
coffee shops,
Main Street,
A New Coffee Thought
Although we have a Facebook page, I thought that I would make the executive decision of recording different reviews and reports of the different coffee houses that we visit for our own purposes and those of our viewers. Coffee, Things 'n' Stuff will enter a coffee house, order a caffeine beverage and a tasty looking treat and then proceed to the immediate seating area and discuss anything and reviews the week or anything that comes to mind. In that time the hosts then take in the ambience and decide what they like, and sometimes what they don't like, about the place. Sometimes it takes a few visits to really give the coffee house a fair shot at the frother. The show is always open to guests, family and friends. Each episode takes place on Fridays, however, the secret location is determined at the last minute. We at CTnS hope you like the reviews and if you feel compelled to add a post and tell us your opinion, please feel free to do so. Enjoy.
baked goods,
coffee houses,
coffee shops,
Main Street Kits,
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